SALSA Fact Sheet Collection: Findings from 30 reference regions in Europe and Africa

Voir les résultats en:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Highclere Consulting
University of Evora

This document collects a series of fact sheets realized under the EU-funded SALSA project, which is aimed to understand how small farms and food businesses contribute to sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS).

The research findings in the fact sheets concern 30 reference regions from countries in Europe and Africa. For each region, we present:

● The regional indicators on the concentration and spatial distribution of small farms (SF), obtained also with support of the Sentinel-2 satellite data

● The results of the analysis of the SF contribution to the regional food availability, based on the preliminary identification of key products

● The five types of SF, highlighting the most present ones in the region

● The perspectives of the SF into the future, based on the interviews with small farmers conducted in the region

● The governance arrangements that enable and disable the ability of SF to contribute to the regional FNS.

The fact sheets have been officially presented and discussed in 2019 during policy workshops at the macro-regional level. The four macro-regional areas into which the factsheets are grouped are:


Central & Eastern Europe

Northern Europe

Southern Europe

Αnnée de publication: 
small farmers
SALSA project
small farms