APIRAS APAARI Good Practice n.1. Promoting sustainable agriculture through green extension in Lao People's Democratic Republic

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Autor (es): 
Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)
Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services Network (APIRAS)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Green Extension is an umbrella term used to describe rural advisory services which support the scaling up of sustainable agriculture. This encompasses a range of methods to promote various types of content. What these approaches have in common is a process of socio-ecological learning, i.e., supporting farmers to analyse local problems and opportunities, and test alternative practices under local conditions. Building on three decades of experience in promoting organic agriculture, IPM, SRI and other forms of sustainable agriculture, the concept and practice of Green Extension has been developed and implemented in Lao PDR within the framework of the Lao Upland Rural Advisory Service (LURAS), since 2015. In this Good Practice Note, Souvanthong Namvong and Andrew Bartlett, reflect on the evolution and progress of green extension and draw lessons from the challenges as well as opportunities at hand for influencing the enabling environment, forging partnerships and innovation in capacity development, and how they are strengthening the Agricultural Innovation System in Laos. 

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
sustainable agriculture
TAP-related resource
green extension
rural advisory services