Developing Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships on Agricultural Research for Development. Improving the availability of quality potato seeds: building an innovative consortium in Burundi

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Flament, J.

This document aims at capitalizing lessons drawn from the training experience of a consortium made up of various stakeholders involved in the potato seed sector in Burundi. At the initial stages of its formation, this consortium was supported by the PAEPARD programme, as part of the tender process defined above. The experience related here should provide lessons on the factors which encourage the formation of multi-stakeholder partnerships which are balanced and suited to the demand of producers. The project developed by the consortium is entitled «Participatory Development of Potato GrowingTechnologies and Promotion of Gender and Environmentally-Friendly Innovations in Burundi ». It was formulated in the form of an action plan and structured in accordance with various objectives which are themselves structured in the form of various activities.


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