The overarching research question developed in the Conceptual Framework conveys the core objective of SALSA (What is the contribution of small farms and of the related food businesses to sustainable FNS in a wide range of foos systems?) by highlighting that the research follows a systemic approach.
This Analytical Framework (AF) builds upon the Conceptual Framework to identify objectives and methodological steps of such systemic approach and to guide data collection and analysis (to be carried out as part of WP3) in all the reference regions (RR), at NUTS 3 level (identified in WP2). It also serves to analyse and interpret data once they have been collected.
This AF addresses Small Farms (SF) and Small Business (SFB) contribution to food and nutrition security from different standpoints: from the perspective of the regional food system into SF/SB and, vice versa, from the perspective of SF/SFB into the regional food system, combining multiple data collection methods.
The SALSA project aims at assessing the current and future role of small farms and related small food businesses in contributing to sustainable food and nutrition security at regional level in Europe and in selected African regions, and to identify...
L’agriculture familiale est de loin la forme d’agriculture la plus répandue au monde, tant dans les pays développés que dans les pays en développement. Elle représente la principale source d’emplois dans le monde. C’est bien plus qu’une simple modalité de...
This document presents an in-depth comparative assessment of the local and regional food systems analysed in SALSA. Its aim is to improve the understanding of the current and potential role of SF in regional Food and Nutrition Security (FNS). This...
This report provides a synthesis of all findings and information generated through a “stocktaking” process that involved a desk study of Prolinnova documents and evaluation reports, a questionnaire to 40 staff members of international organizations in agricultural research and development (ARD),...