Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology

Type d'organisation: 
The CBAB – CROP BREEDING AND APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY (ISSN 1984-7033) – is the official quarterly journal of the Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding (, abbreviated CROP BREED APPL BIOTECHNOL. It is indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters, Scopus, AGRIS, CAB International Abstracts, Biosys, Latindex, Periódica, Chemical Abstracts Service, Agricola, Agrobase, Wilson, Ebsco, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Acervo Documental da Embrapa, Portal da Capes and SciELO. It publishes original scientific articles, which contribute to the scientific and technological development of plant breeding and agriculture.
Domaines d'activité : 
crop breeding
applied biotechnology
Attention dans le renforcement des capacités: 