Powering agriculture: an energy grand challenge for development mid-term innovators' assessment

Voir les résultats en:
Mashnik D.
Ivey R.
Blanchard J.

This assessment has been conducted over December 2015 to May 2016 under the Powering Agriculture Support Task Order (PASTO). PASTO is funded by USAID and implemented by Tetra Tech ES, Inc. PASTO provides support services to the Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC) and its Founding Partners to enable their effective management, monitoring and evaluation of the program.

The PAEGC is a partnership between  USAID, the Government of Sweden, the Government of Germany, Duke Energy Corporation and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (the Founding Partners). The goal of PAEGC is to support new and sustainable approaches to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy solutions for increasing agriculture production and/or value in developing countries. 

This document describes the results of the mid-term performance assessment of the innovators selected and funded as a result of PAEGC first global innovation call in 2013 and presents findings, conclusions and recommendations.

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