As calls for bolstering environmental services on croplands have grown more insistent during the past two decades, the search for ways to foster sustainable, reduced input agriculture has become more urgent. In this context authors re-examine by means of a meta-analysis the argument, first proposed by Robert McC. Netting, that small scale, mixed crop – livestock farming, a common livelihood among poor rural peoples, encourages environmentally sustainable agricultural practices. As predicted, mixed crop – livestock farms exhibit more sustainable practices, but, contrary to predictions, a small scale of operation does not predict sustainability. Unsustainable practices occur on small farms characterized by degrading, input scarce agriculture and on large farms characterized by industrialized, high chemical input agriculture. Sustainable practices occur on small farms that mix crops with livestock production, and they occur on large farms characterized by minimum tillage. The strength and pervasiveness of the link between mixed crop –livestock farming and sustainable agricultural practices in both developed and developing countries argues for agricultural policies that promote mixed crop – livestock livelihoods.
Cet article défend l'idée que les petites exploitations agricoles doivent être placées au cœur du processus de développement, principalement dans les pays du Sud, notamment parce que la moitié des populations qui, dans le monde, souffrent de la faim, habitent...
There is an ongoing debate on what constitutes sustainable intensification of agriculture (SIA). In this paper, we propose that a paradigm for sustainable intensification can be defined and translated into an operational framework for agricultural development. We argue that this...
This paper draws lessons from selected country experiences of adaptation and innovation in pursuit of food security goals. It reviews three cases of systems of innovation operating in contrasting regional, socio-economic and agro-ecological contexts, in terms of four features of...
La plupart des personnes pauvres et qui souffrent de la faim, dans le monde, sont des ruraux qui tirent un maigre revenu de l’agriculture. En 2010, sur les 1,2 milliard de personnes extrêmement pauvres, quelque 900 millions vivait en milieu...
L’Agriculture de Conservation est un système s’inscrivant dans la démarche de l’agroécologie, fondé sur le non-labour, la couverture permanente du sol par des végétaux et des rotations longues et diversifiées. Le système vise à améliorer la productivité sur le long...