Practice and Experience in Developing E-agriculture and E-village in China

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Xiaobing W.

This work was presented by the Director General of Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China about the chinese experience in enhance the access of the rural areas to the internet and e-commerce. The presentation is divided in three parts: 1) Development and changes in China's agriculture and rural areas; 2) China's main approach to promoting e-agriculture and e-village; 3) Experience in e-agriculture and e-village of China. The presentation shows the efforts of the public sector in partnership with private sector to enhance the use of Internet, Big Data and IoT in the rural areas of China.

This work was presented in the event:  "Digital Innovation Dialogue Session 6: China’s Approaches and Experiences in Digital Agriculture and Digital Rural Area " 

Digital Innovation Dialogue was launched in early 2019 by the FAO to serve as a forum to enhance knowledge sharing and mutual learning between multidisciplinary innovation practitioners and FAO staff through open and informal discussions. The aim is to foster an innovation culture and transform small-scale successes into large-scale digital products and services, eventually contributing to achieving SDGs


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