This paper aims to analyze the innovative effort of the agri-food system (AFS) in the Valencian Autonomous Community (VC), Spain, estimating the intensity of innovation in each subsector of the AFS. The analysis distinguishes between the direct and indirect (or induced) innovation intensities incorporated by the acquisition of inputs from other subsectors produced in the VC or in the rest of Spain. The methodology employed is based on the inputoutput framework combined with data of technological innovation in enterprises. This methodology provides the novelty of been applied to a region —the VC— and not to a country as it is usually done
El presente trabajo trata de contrastar de forma empírica cómo los agronegocios y empresas agropecuarias españolas, más concretamente las radicadas en la Región de Murcia, pueden mejorar su gestión sobre la base de su eficiencia y su relación con la...
Organic farming is recognized as one source for innovation helping agriculture to develop sustainably. However, the understanding of innovation in agriculture is characterized by technical optimism, relying mainly on new inputs and technologies originating from research. The paper uses the...
Among other functions, the INIA is involved in national and international cooperation in the field of agri-food research. The process of identifying and classifying gaps in our knowledge forms an essential part of this effort. This article describes that process,...
La agricultura intensiva mediterránea ha desarrollado en el último tercio del siglo XX importantes concentraciones territoriales de la actividad productiva de frutas y hortalizas en áreas determinadas del litoral español. Las ubicaciones de estos sistemas productivos de origen agrícola responden...
Smartphone technology is promising for the future development of agriculture, as it can facilitate and improve many operational procedures and can also be combined with precision agriculture technologies. Yet, existing research on smartphone adoption in agriculture is scarce. Therefore, this...