A global strategy and action plan for gender, responsive participatory research in international agricultural research: Workshop on `Repositioning participatory research and gender analysis in times of change´, Cali, Colombia, June 16-18, 2010

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Autor (es): 
Fernández M.
Manners G.
Biermayr-Jenzano P.
García C. X.

The first part of the working document on the global strategy brings together the ideas of some 40 experts involved in gender and participatory research who took part in the workshop ‘Repositioning Participatory Research and Gender Analysis in Times of Change’ in Cali, Colombia (June 16–18, 2010).The workshop participants firmly believe that gender responsive participatory research (GRPR) offers some of the most powerful and useful approaches for achieving sustainable development, including alleviating poverty, improving well being, achieving sustainable levels of natural resource use, and protecting the environments in which we all live.

The action plan that follows compiles the contributions of the workshop participants who took on the task of grounding the strategic options described in Part1.The work plan is intended to guide and support the efforts of organizations that either already, or intend to, use GRPR approaches in their work.


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