Overview Stage 4: Capacity Development Strategy

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Autor (es): 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )

The design of capacity development interventions is a crucial phase in the capacity development (CD) for agricultural innovation systems (AIS) cycle of the TAP Common Framework. Intervention planning follows from and builds on the visioning exercises and needs assessments carried out beforehand. Options for CD interventions will depend on the country context, ongoing programmes and funding opportunities. Prioritization should also include identification of activities that can take off immediately.

This factsheet is part of a series outlining tools and approaches to promote CD projects for AIS. The tools described in these pages are designed with a view to the practical implementation of the principles of the Common Framework of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), a G20 initiative. The TAP Common Framework proposes a CD for AIS Cycle of five stages:1.Galvanizing Commitment, 2.Visioning, 3.Capacity Needs Assessment, 4.CD Strategy Development and 5.Implementation.

The principles have been applied in the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project, funded by the EU and jointly implemented by Agrinatura and FAO in collaboration with national partners in Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Laos and Rwanda.

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Palabras clave: 
TAP tool
TAP-related resource