Ce document analyse les défis et les opportunités que rencontrent les jeunes qui veulent se lancer dans l’agriculture et l’agrobusiness.
Ce document analyse les défis et les opportunités que rencontrent les jeunes qui veulent se lancer dans l’agriculture et l’agrobusiness.
With support from The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), through a call for proposal, Hello Tractor an agriculture technology social enterprise has been selected to implement ICT-enabled smallholder mechanisation services with the objective to create jobs for yo
The proposit of this brief was to look across several projects and experiences in digital agriculture and synthesize insights and lessons on what really works for nextgeneration agriculture and rural development practice and policies.
This brief introduces a set of business-plan challenges faced by digital agribusiness start-ups in ACP countries and promising ways to overcome them.
This brief draws on three cases to show how the private sector contributes to the conceptualisation, design, delivery and evaluation of climate-smart agricultural interventions and can help bring them to scale.
This brochure describes the project MANIOC21: releasing the potential of cassava. The aim is to fine-tune and accelerate innovative and new business models that create market linkages across cassava value chains and promote added-value activities to be scaled-up at the regional level
This study considers what lessons might be learned from the cassava value chain in the context of CTA’s interest in the potentials of: digital financial services for agriculture, such as mobile payments for farmers’ products; other payment streams for financial inclusion of farmer; index based in
This is one of the briefs produced by 30 digital agribusiness practitioners from CTA, its networks and partners to document and assess ways that digital solutions improve the performance, competitiveness and profitability of agribusinesses in ACP countries. Drawing on experiences and cases shared
This guidebook is meant to help facilitators. Its purpose is to empower organizations with the tools and the skills needed to identify practices which can be brought to scale, to describe and analyze them in detail, and to share the lessons they teach.
This document is a brief description of the project "Pejeriz: Rice, entrepreneurship and jobs in West Africa".
The objective of this chapter is to describe the processes and experiences of forming country project teams, partnership models and approaches to reach farmers in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.
This report brings a review about the CTA activities in 2018 based on three intervention areas. One is promoting youth entrepreneurship and creating employment for young people, particularly through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).