Balancing wetland conservation and development in the Sanjiang Plains: a review of current status and options. Sanjiang Plain Wetlands Protection Project, final report

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de Silva, S.
Sellamuttu, S. S.

The Sanjiang Plain Wetlands Protection Project (SPWPP) supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), focuses on integrating conservation and development needs in the Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang Province of the People’s Republic of China. The project comprises 5 main components: watershed management, wetland nature reserve management, alternative livelihoods, education and capacity building and project management. In addition the Poverty and Environment Action Research Program (PEARP) sub-project contributes to the learning on poverty-environment relationships by collecting and generating new knowledge on effective approaches to environmental management and poverty reduction, through the development and pilot-testing of innovative sustainable livelihood options for the poor households. SPWPP was initiated in 2006 and will be completed by 2012. The PEARP was implemented between 2005 and 2007. 

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