Course: Organization Analysis and Development

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Licencia de recurso: 
Derechos sujetos al permiso del propietario
Herramientas de desarrollo de capacidades
Autor (es): 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Effective organizations are critical for sustainable development and particularly important for food security and agriculture. This course explains how to carry out effective analysis and development of state and non-state organizations in member countries and provides illustrations of organizational change including in government ministries, producer organizations and research institutes.
Duration:  2 hours 

The course is designed for country actors and FAO staff who prepare, implement, manage and evaluate capacity development interventions, particularly those who are involved in change processes in organizations. Country actors include state and non-state actors such as line ministries, academic & research institutions, training institutions, cooperatives, community-based and civil society organizations.

The course consists of 6 lessons:
Lesson 1 Introduction
Lesson 2 Factors influencing organizational performance
Lesson 3 Analysing organizational performance
Lesson 4 Planning and implementing organizational changes
Lesson 5 Engaging in multi-stakeholder processes
Lesson 6 Measuring organizational performance

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