The capacity scoring questionnaire is an instrument that can be used when assessing the systems capacities of innovation partnerships or organizations in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and monitor change over time. It thus supports the design and implementation of successful capacity development interventions for agricultural innovation. This questionnaire has been developed in two versions (Version 1 and Version 2) and has been piloted in several countries in the context of the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS). The current page refers to the Version 1 of the questionnaire.
The capacity scoring questionnaire is an instrument that can be used when assessing the systems capacities of innovation partnerships or organizations in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and monitor change over time. It thus supports the design and implementation...
Approved by TAP partners, the TAP Work Plan 2016 describes the activities to be carried out in 2016 to achieve TAP's objective of promoting more coherent and effective capacity development interventions for agricultural innovation.
El concepto de desarrollo sostenible (DS) tiene como punto de referencia el Informe de la Comisión Bruntland, donde se le describe como un “proceso capaz de satisfacer las necesidades de las generaciones presentes sin comprometer la capacidad de las generaciones...
L’objectif de ce guide est de faciliter la planification et la mise en œuvre des
sessions de formation. Il fait partie du cours de Gestion d’entreprises associatives
rurales en agroalimentaire et a été conçu pour les facilitateurs qui...
La Guía Operativa provee una breve recapitulación de los fundamentos conceptuales y principios del Marco Común de la TAP así como una guía más detallada para la operacionalización del enfoque de rutas de doble vía del Desarrollo de Capacidades (DC)...