Capacity development toolkit. Lives Toolkit 1.

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capacity development tools
Lemma M.
Hoekstra D.
Tegegne A.
Berhanu G.

The LIVES project works to increase adoption of value chain interventions through use of improved knowledge and capacity by value chain actors and service providers. Knowledge management and capacity development are important components of the project to fill gaps in knowledge and capacity of value chain actors and service providers. Capacity is defined as the capabilities (knowledge, skills, experience, values, motivations, organizational processes, and linkages) that determine how well value chain actors and service providers utilize resources, market opportunities, and relationships. Capacity development is the process of facilitating change through strengthening the capacities and relationships of value chain actors and service providers to develop sustainable livestock and irrigation value chains. It is the process of strengthening the abilities of individuals, organizations and systems through a variety of engagedknowledge and learning processes to perform value chain development functions sustainably and to continue to improve and develop over time. Change happens through facilitation of strategic linkages and exchange of experiences among value chain actors and service providers as well as transfer of improved knowledge and skills through training, coaching and mentoring activities. It is necessary to develop a capacity development toolkit to provide a structure and guidance for the planning, implementation and documentation of LIVES capacity development and knowledge management interventions. The toolkit provides a general step-by-step guidance as well as links to resources for further reading. It is intended to be used by project and partner staff

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