These guidelines are produced by FAO as part of the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems Project (CDAIS). The objective of this document is provide practical guidelines to implement marketplace events to strengthen agricultural innovation. A marketplace is an event organized to facilitate matching of demand and supply and to promote learning, sharing and exchanging of information, knowledge and practical experience on specific topics. In the context of the CDAIS project, the Marketplace proposed aims to broker partnerships for effective capacity development (CD) for agricultural innovation. These guidelines include practical steps to follow and provide suggestions for organizing successful marketpalce events. This guide serves as a resource for facilitators, project managers, other project stakeholders and other capacity development experts to learn how to organize and facilitate marketplace events in similar projects/initiatives.
L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer un plan de formation des différents catégories d'acteurs (à identifier) dans le but d'apporter une contribution significative au renforcement de capacité dans chaque pays et dans la sous-région. Des actions précises visant à...
Networks and organizations need to find ways to be more effective in pursuing their objectives and thus seek to “learn” to be able to respond, innovate and adapt to complex, changing social and environmental conditions, thus bringing about social change....
This trainers’ manual on capacity needs assessment was produced as part the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project. This involves a global partnership (Agrinatura, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] and national partners from...
The Guidance Note on Operationalization provides a brief recap of the conceptual underpinnings and principles of the TAP Common Framework as well as a more detailed guide to operationalization of the proposed dual pathways approach. It offers also a strategy for monitoring and evaluation as well as a toolbox...
The Conceptual Background provides an in-depth analysis of the conceptual underpinnings and principles of the TAP Common Framework. It is also available in French and Spanish.
The objective of the TAP Common Framework is to promote better coherence and greater impact of capacity development...