The story of Humidtropics Capacity Development 2014-2016

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Dror I.

The CGIAR Research Program on Integrated System for the Humid Tropics, or Humidtropics, works towards transforming the lives of the rural poor in several action sites in Asia, Africa and Tropical America. In doing so, different technologies and innovations were implemented and while at first the capacity development was going on almost intuitively, as an integrated part of the implementation process, it has soon become clear that such groundbreaking activities and ideas require a more organized and supervised approach. Thus, in 2014 the Humidtropics Capacity Development (CapDev) unit was formed to have a team of experts focused on delivering the necessary training, supervise the development of new tools and think of new, innovative ideas to implement across the flagships.

This report brings together all the stories behind the greatest Humidtropics CapDev achievements, from building a learning management system to going beyond traditional on-site workshops, scaling up existing methodologies and tools, as well as developing new ones, introducing fun and exciting projects and activities the rural poor feel excited to use or participate in. It is a summarized overview, introducing the crucial key points related to each achievement, one that can be used as an infinite source of inspiration for researchers, farmers, research organizations, privately held companies and governments.

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