El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una metodología de participación pública integrada en la planificación del recurso forestal de un territorio concreto. La validación de dicha metodología se realiza como etapa integrante en un plan táctico forestal, de nivel subregional, desarrollado en A Fonsagrada- Os Ancares, distrito forestal perteneciente a la región de Galicia, situada al Noroeste de la Península Ibérica
La agricultura intensiva mediterránea ha desarrollado en el último tercio del siglo XX importantes concentraciones territoriales de la actividad productiva de frutas y hortalizas en áreas determinadas del litoral español. Las ubicaciones de estos sistemas productivos de origen agrícola responden...
Organic farming is recognized as one source for innovation helping agriculture to develop sustainably. However, the understanding of innovation in agriculture is characterized by technical optimism, relying mainly on new inputs and technologies originating from research. The paper uses the...
This document sets out how EU Research and Innovation (R&I) policy contributes to the major global challenge of ensuring food and nutrition security (FNS). It is a first step in the further development of a more coherent approach to European R&I...
Familiar mixed dairy sheep farm is the most widespread system in the Mediterranean basin, in Latin America and in developing countries (85%). There is a strong lack of technological adoption in packages of feeding and land use in small-scale farms....
One option for practically applying innovation systems thinking involves the establishment of innovation platforms (IPs). Such platforms are designed to bring together a variety of different stakeholders to exchange knowledge and resources and take action to solve common problems. Yet...